Hűtés és Épületgépészet

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GKN Hydrogen -  A zöld energia jövője

GKN Hydrogen - A zöld energia jövője

A GKN Hydrogen biztonságos és zöld ENERGIA TÁROLÁST tesz lehetővé ipari létesítmények, lakóházak, és a közlekedési, szállítmányozási szektor számára. Bárhol a mikro-hálózatokban, a vészhelyzeti tartalék energiarendszerekben , sziget üzemű vagy energia átalakító felhasználásban.

A lehetőségek végtelenek.

GKN hidrogén energiatároló rendszer jellemzői:

  • biztonságos
  • alacsony nyomáson üzemel
  • 100%-ban újrahasznosítható (zöld)
  • hosszú élettartam
  • megbízható
  • kompakt
  • nagy tárolókapacitású

GKN Hydrogen – The Future of Green Energy

It is time to act.
Together we can stop climate change and air pollution.
For ourselves, and for generations to come.

Every year our global demand for energy is growing.
And already today, sun, wind and water power could provide more energy than we even require.
But this green energy is not always available when we need it.

The solution to this problem lies with storing it. That is where GKN Hydrogen comes in.
Our green hydrogen storage solution is the most reliable system on the market.
Due to its modular structure, it can be flexibly adapted to almost any storage requirement.

Green energy from wind, water and sun, is converted into hydrogen.
The hydrogen molecules flow into the storage center and are solidly absorbed in the metal mesh. The metal hydrides can last for decades without any losses. They are the most reliable and safest way to store hydrogen.

When we need energy, the hydrogen is released from the storage and converted back into electricity and heat. The heat, that is generated in this process can also be used, and considerably increases the efficiency level of the whole system. The only waste product from the process is pure water.


The GKN Hydrogen storage system is:
•    safe    
•    100% recyclable
•    compact    
•    and robus

And produces
•    power
•    hydrogen

GKN Hydrogen brings safe, green energy to residential housing-,  industrial-  and  transportation  sectors.
Whether in Micro-Grids, for emergency back-up power systems or energy conversion plants. The possibilities
are infinite.

Global climate protection is our mission.
Transitioning to renewable energy is the answer.

For pioneers, trendsetters and innovators, for people.